Monthly Job fair for Ex-servicemen by Director General of Resettlement
Director General of Resettlement has decided to conduct job fair every second month. The first of this series of job fairs would be conducted at Delhi on 06th and 07th of May 15 at NCC Campus at Parade Ground, Delhi Cantt. Chief of Army Staff would inaugurate the event.
Large number of companies affiliated to the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) operating in various sectors will participate.
Online registration can be undertaken through DGR website here. Job seekers can also register through twitter or 011-26174531/26192350. On the spot registration will also be available.
Tele: 011-26192358
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Dte General Resettlement
West Block-IV, RK Puram
New Delhi-110066
Mar 2015
All Concerned
DGR JOB FAIR ON 6th & 07th MAY, 2015
1. It has been decided to generate employment opportunities in a structured manner for the benefit to defence personnel already retired and those retiring in 3 to 4 months in conjunction with participating industries in various locations thoughtout the country under the aegis of different service command headquarters. It has been further decided to organize on job fair every second month.
2. The first in the series of job fair’s is scheduled to be held at Delhi on 06th & 07th May 15. The COAS has kindly consented to inaugurate the job fair. The venue for the job fair is NCC Campus at parade Ground, Delhi Cantt.
3. A large number of companies affiliated to Cll are likely to participate offering jobs in various sectors. Online registration for the Job Fair has been opened w.e.f 28 Feb 2015. Those interested may visit DGR website: & click on JOB FAIR 2015-DELHI. They may also follow us on Twitter or contact on 011-26174531/26192350. On the spot registration will also be available at the venue to facilitate who missed online registration.
4. You are requested to inform all Regimental Centre’s and give wide publicity of the event through your channels. You are also requested to pass suitable Instructions so as to facilitate attendance of this event by the retiring personnel also.
(P Upadhyay)
Gp Capt
Director (Trg)
For DG (R)
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