KVS : COVID-19 Preventive measures at Workplace – Quarantine instructions

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (Hqrs.)
(Admn.I Section)
F‐11029‐10/2012‐KVSHQ (Admn.‐I)
Date: 06‐09‐2020
Subject: Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID‐19 ‐ regarding
It has been informed that Sh. Jagmohan Bisht, ASO and Ms. Pooja Soni, ASO posted in RPS Section in Room No. 313, KVS (HQ) have been tested positive with COVID‐19 on 05‐09‐2020, wholast attended office on 04‐09‐2020.
The COVID‐19 GoI guidelines provides that contacts are persons who have been exposed to a confirmed case anytime between 2 days prior to onset of symptoms (in the positive case) and the date of isolation OR 14 days after the onset of symptoms.
Also check: Reservation in Admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya details KVS Guidelines 2020-2021
High‐risk Contact
- Anyone within 1 meter of the confirmed case without precautions i.e. without mask.
- Employees who shared the same space (working in same room) within 1 meter with a person who later tested positive.
- Travelled together within 1 meter in a vehicle for more than 6 hours with a person who later tested positive.
The high‐risk contacts shall be quarantined for 14 days and shall undergo testing.
Low‐risk Contact
- Shared the same space (worked in same room) but not having a high‐risk exposure to confirmed case of COVID‐19.
- Travelled together but not having a high‐risk exposure (i.e. not within 1 meter for more than 6 hours to symptomatic person who later tested positive)
The low‐risk exposure contacts shall continue to work and closely monitor their health for next 14 days.
The high‐risk contacts are advised to get themselves home quarantined for 14 days from the date of contact with the employees who tested positive. For example, if Mr./Ms. A came in contact with the affected person on 04‐09‐2020, he/she shall be on self‐quarantine for 14 days w.e.f. 05‐09‐2020 to 18‐09‐2020 under intimation to their controlling officer. They are also directed to consult medical authorities and undergo testing.
RPS Section will remain closed on 7th September, 2020 for sanitization purposes.
(P. K. Kaul)
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)
Copy to:
1. Dy. Secretary (UT), MHRD, New Delhi
2. Dy. Commissioner, KVS All Regional Offices / Director, ZIETs
3. Assistant Commissioner (S&S) with the request to arrange to sanitize the office building
4. Officers/staff of KVS (HQ) (through e‐office)
5. Dy. Commissioner, EDP with request to upload on e‐office portal
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