Installation of LED based Lightings in Central Government Buildings
e-office no. 9028234
Govt. of India
Central Public Works Department
0/0 Chief Engineer (CSQ.)(E)
A Wing, Room No.229,
New Delhi-110011.
No.02/ECC/ ESCO/2019/ 202
Dated 03.06.2019
Sub: Installation of LED based Lightings in Govt. Buildings
Please refer to OM No. 02/ECC/ESCO/2019/491 Dated 07.12.2018 vide which it was requested to pursue with client Department as well as EESL to get the work of Energy Efficiency Measures in Non-GPOA buildings completed by 31.12.2018. It is intimated that MoHUA had asked the progress in respect of the above for updation in e-Samiksha urgently on 30.05.20l9 and following data available with the Directorate was submitted:
- Work completed in 337 Nos. Buildings.
- Work in Progress in 216 Nos. Buildings.
- Work is yet to be taken up in 686 Nos. Buildings.
It is therefore again requested to pursue the matter with Client Departments & EESL to complete the work in all 1239 Non-GPOA Buildings as early as possible. The zone wise details prior to restructuring are also enclosed for ready reference which may be corrected as per restructuring & be intimated to the Directorate. A status report may also be sent on email delseetlqa.cpwd@nic.in & deleeetlqa.cpwd@nic.in immediately for further appraisal of MoHUA about the updated progress in the matter.
This issues with the approval ofDG, CPWD.
Encl: As above.
(C.K. Varma)
Chief Engineer CSQ (E)
All SDGs/ ADGs/ CEs/SEs of CPWD (Through CPWD Website)
Source: CPWD
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