Engagement of Consultant under the Plan Scheme ‘Pensioners Portal’.
No. 44011/2/2013-Admn.I
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel PG & Pension
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated: 17th June, 2014
Subject: Engagement of Consultant under the Plan Scheme ‘Pensioners Portal’.
This Department has been implementing a Plan Scheme namely ‘Pensioners’ Portal’ – A Mission Mode Project under NeGP, Government of India.
It is proposed to engage one Consultant at Under Secretary level to assist the Department in undertaking various activities under the Pensioners Portal. The consultancy fee payable to the Consultant so selected is likely to be lump-sum monthly remuneration to be fixed based on pay last drawn under the Government minus pension plus DA (fixed). The present approved tenure of the Consultant may be up to 25th February, 2015. The Consultant so appointed may also be required to undertake tours for outstation activities for which he/she will be paid TA/DA as per Rules.
Retired Under Secretaries/equivalent having worked in social welfare schemes of Ministries/ Departments would be desirable. The retired Govt. servants having recently retired from the post equivalent to that of Under Secretary and desirous of being considered may send their bio-data in the enclosed application form so as to reach the undersigned latest by 24th June, 2014 at the email address tripti.ghosh@nic.in. They may also report for interview in room No.320, 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi on 26th June, 2014 at 3.00 P.M. The person selected for the above position will be required to join immediately.
(Tripti. P. Ghosh)
Director (PP)
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