DoPT Orders 2019
Service Profile of Central Services
F.No.11019/ 26/ 2019-CRD
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(Cadre Review Division)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Rhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-03
Dated: 17th September, 2019
Subject: Service Profile of Central Services – reg
DoP&T is the nodal department for manpower planning and policy. In order to formulate manpower planning and policies, Service Profile of various Services/ cadres/ posts in Govt. of India is required.
In view of the above, all the Ministries/ Departments are requested to furnish the requisite information (as per the proforma enclosed) for all the Services/ cadres/ posts under their administrative control latest by 30.09.19 positively. The information may also be emailed at or gourang.goswarny@nic. in.
Check: Important DoPT Orders
Encl: As above.
(M S Subramanya Rao)
Director (CRD)
Ph: 24624893
Proforma for obtaining Service Profile
(Information as on date is required)
Introduction and Background of the Service/cadre
- Name of the Service/cadre
- cadre Controlling Authority (Department and Ministry)
- Year of formation of Service/cadre and last cadre review
- Hierarchical structure of the cadre/service
- Places of posting with grades (cadre posts/ex-cadre opportunities, if any)
Objective of the Service: - Role of the Service
- Brief of Duty charter of the Officers (Responsibility of various grades)
- Flagship Programmes implemented/facilitated by the Service/Cadre
Recruitment - Method of initial Recruitment in the Service/cadre (Exam and how the same is conducted) (Link of last notification for recruitment)
- Eligibility criteria for Service/cadre :
(i) Educational Qualification for Recruitment in the Service/cadre
(ii) Experience required for initial recruitment in the service/cadre
(iii) Career prospects and criteria for promotion - Status of Recruitment Rules (RR)/Service Rules (SR) (Notification details and last amendment). Whether the revised pay scale as per 7th CPC and cadre structure after last cadre review updated in the RR/SR.
- Recruitment in the last 5 year in the service/ cadre
- Status of issuance of seniority list as on 1.1.2019 (if pending, seniority list issued last time and reasons for non finalization of present list be given)
Cadre Structure: - Cadre structure and method of filling up of posts
- Career Progression and Incumbency in cadre (in tabular format):
Approved cadre structure: Grade wise (designation, pay scale and number of posts)- No. of cadre officers posted in the Service/cadre (Gradewise) Exam batch of last of the officers promoted in each grade No. of cadre Officers on Deputation (Gradewise)
- No. of Reserves provided and its utilization status
- No. of deputationist on cadre post
- Total vacancy in the cadre (grade wise) (only live post
- Training and Skill Development
Mandatory Training:
At the time of entry in Service/cadre
Career Training Programme for promotion on various grades
No. of officers undergone mandatory training programme
No. of officers left for mandatory Training Programme (only eligible officers) or not completed mandatory training. - No. of officers undergone other skill development training and details of such courses with details of officers.
- Officers having higher educational qualification than the requirement of the service (especially officers with specific technical knowledge
- Summary
Total no. of posts under their administrative control and number of incumbent against these posts.
(Note: Details of isolated cadres/posts may also be provided)
(Data of separate services/cadres may be prepared on separate sheets)
Source: DoPT
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