Payment and Accounts Offices and other payment offices shall remain open throughout working hours. The absence of staff shall not be a cause for any delay or inability of the payment and accounting systems to work.

F.No.23 (4)/E.Coord/2020
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated : 23.03.2020
Subject: Functioning of Government Expenditure System during the operation of preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Attention is invited to DOPT OM No 11013/9/2014-Estt- (A-III) Dated 22.03.2020 regarding preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.
2. In the present situation, the smooth and normal functioning of the Government Expenditure System is critical to safeguard the public interest. Therefore, the expenditure functions of Government in general and the Integrated Finance Divisions (IFD) of Ministries /Departments and Office of Controller General of Accounts (CGA) in particular, are essential services. Indeed, in certain sectors, the expenditure system may have to function more quickly than normal to cope with the emerging needs.
3. Accordingly the following clarifications, with specific reference to IFDs & CGA, are issued.
- Absence of staff shall not be a reason for any delay or non-functioning of the payment and accounting systems.
- Pay and Accounts Offices and other offices dealing with payments shall remain open during working hours.
- Financial Advisors and field offices of the CGA (Pr. CCA, CCA, CA, PAO etc) shall attend office as per normal schedule to ensure coordination and supervision and shall issue suitable instructions for the presence of others as necessary to achieve these objectives.
- The above shall be kept in view by Financial Advisers and the Office of CGA when drawing up the roster, etc as prescribed in the OM referred to above
(Annie G. Mathew)
Additional Secretary to Government of India
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